4 Quotes & Sayings By Alicia Daversa

A native of Westchester, NY, Alicia D'Aversa has lived in New York City for over 12 years. She attended Columbia University, where she received her BA in Film and Literature. After graduating, she worked as a production assistant on the documentary, The Queen of Versailles, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. She currently works as a freelance writer for various publications Read more

A lover of words and stories, Alicia is inspired by characters that are larger than life. She believes that great writing can change lives, and that one person can make a difference.

I believe being strong means I can kiss you and still fight my enemies and succeed. I can show emotion and be complicated and hope for love and family and friends in a world that is telling me I can die tomorrow. Alicia DAversa
You are a woman, let them see your fire Alicia DAversa
It's okay to be afraid, it means you have something to live for. Alicia DAversa